Saturday 10 August 2013

Yoga and Meditation

The word Yoga is derived from Sanskrit root word ‘Yuj’ meaning to unite or to join or yoking. Sage Patanjali, the author of the Yoga Sutra defined Yoga as “Yoga Chittavritti Nirodhaha”. Chitta stands for mind, Vritti are thought impulses, nirodhaha refer to removal. So Yoga is the removal of the fluctuations of the mind. The sages of ancient India explained about Ashtanga Yoga, the eight fold process to attain the purification of body, mind and soul as well as to achieve union with the Supreme Being. They are:

Yama (universal ethics), Niyama (principles of self conduct) Asana (Body postures), Pranayama (Breathing Exercises), Pratyahara (withdrawal and control of senses), Dharana(keeping the mind steady and concentrated), Dhyana (meditation), Samadhi(state of higher consciousness).

Both Ayurveda and Yoga have their origin from the Vedas, the Indian treaties of wisdom. Yoga and Ayurveda are interrelated in various aspects as both are based on Samkhya philosophy .The uniqueness of both the sciences is that both are completely natural and focus on the individual as a whole considering the status of three humors of the body (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) and of the mind (Satvik, Rajasik and Tamasik).

Yoga is the spiritual quest aiming at ultimate freedom. A person who is regularly practicing yoga postures and breathing techniques health, happiness, tranquility, and knowledge. Yoga and meditation are the great way to improve physical and mental well being. One can practice them with comfort and privacy of home if one learns the technique under expert guidance. The positions that are practiced during yoga and meditation gradually increases the flexibility of the body ; relaxes the body and mind.

Ayurveda Sanctuary customizes the yogic postures and meditation after deciding individual's unique mind-body constitution (tridosha and triguna). This helps to stay healthy and expand the consciousness and to take yoga practice to a deeper level .

Ayurveda – Natural Healing

Ayurveda, is the ancient healing system from India having inherent principles of nature. It is an art of natural healing, health and rejuvenation. This natural and traditional healing system has been practiced in India over 5000 years or more. The main objective is to give guidance and knowledge about proper diet and lifestyle to practice to stay healthy ; and to those who are diseased to improve and cure their disease. Thus encompassing a wide range of techniques to treat illness and encourage wellbeing and the total knowledge of the whole life span. Ayurveda provides a number of diverse number of natural healing remedies for a wide section of diseases and health conditions.

The collective wisdom of Ayurveda over the years are compiled in the form of Samhita (treatises) forming a foundation for Ayurvedic learning and practice. Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Ashtanga Hridaya are considered as important ones among them.

All matter is thought to be composed of five basic elements (Panchamahabhoota), namely Prithvi (earth), Jala (water), Agni (Fire), Vayu (Air), Akasha (space). These elements always exist in combination, in which one or more elements dominate. The human body is composed of derivatives of five basic elements in the form of Doshas (humors), Dhatus (tissues), mala (waste materials). This ancient art of natural healing, which concentrates on body and mind understands each individual in terms of PRAKRITI (constitution) which in turn determined by three Doshas.

Ayurvedic approach to medicine :

1.Preventive medicine:

  •     Aims at maintaining health and longevity of an individual

2. Curative medicine:
         Aims at curing the illness. Some of the means to achieve this is through

         Shodhana (Detoxification) and Shamana (palliative care)
        Snehana (oleation), Svedana (Sudation), application of herbal pastes
        Surgical procedures etc.

Natural  Healing  

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